Friday, September 21, 2007

Another year older

I realized today that the older I get, the younger my group of friends seems to be...hmmmm... I think this may be due to several reasons:
1. I have returned to school after taking several years off to work, therefore all my classmates are several years younger than me
2. All of my friends from college live far away and so that prevents me from hanging out with people my own age
3. I am maturing in reverse, and trying to pretend that I am still 22
4. The bad (but fun) influence of Krista (also see #3)

Fortunately, I have found that regardless of how young my friends are, there are some things that inevitably come with age, and I've found that it's perfectly fine with me to have 2 glasses of wine at home and call it a night instead of partying until the wee hours of the morning every weekend. Although when Krista is in town I will always make an exception, I just have to plan to spend several days to recover. Speaking of that....who's up for Halloween on Franklin Street this year? :)


Emily said...

Happy B-day Meg! I thought about you on Friday - hope you had a great day!

Babs said...

Ha....this hits so close to home for me. When I lived in Orono, I started feeling like Matthew Maconahay from Dazed and Confused...."I keep getting older, and they all stay the same age." Yup! :)

Unknown said...

i'm a blog reading slacker, but I will take full credit for your "younger ways". In 20 years, you're going to be thankig me for that!