Friday, September 7, 2007

So far, so good...

I have officially made it through my first 3 weeks of graduate school, which really isn't much of an accomplishment considering that these will probably be the easiest 3 weeks I will have in my entire time here at UNC. Of the classes I am taking, one didn't start until this week because the prof doesn't believe in teaching before labor day (and apparently also doesn't believe in teaching after Thanksgiving according to the syllabus), not that I am complaining! This seems so fit with the overall attitude of the department, which is very laid back. While this is great, and I am glad not to be in a place that is cut-throat competitive, I realize this also means that I will have to be my own ass-kicker if I want to graduate in a timely manner (hopefully 4 years). I met some students at orientation that introduced themselves as "7th year students" and had a small panic attack...

But honestly I think that I am really going to enjoy grad school (don't ask me to repeat that during finals) and I have already met many students and faculty that are just down-to-earth, nice people who are so happy that we (the first-year students) are excited about the same things they are, and I have never felt more welcome. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey, there's nothing wrong with being a 7th year student!

(aka 7th year student)