Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Update: Bugs

OK, so the cats still have fleas....unbelievable!! I thought Frontline was supposed to be "the shit", I guess not!! I know I said they would be tossed out with the cows, but I really can't do that since they are my babies (even in they are flea bags). So what do I do now?? Anyone have any suggestions?? HELP!


Babs said...

Oh poor kitties and poor you. From what my Vet told me about Frontline, it only kills adult fleas and doesn't kill the eggs, and are typically used to prevent flea investation, so this might be part of the problem. The most important thing is to get rid of all the eggs. Here are some suggestions that I found on line:

Get Rid of the Eggs

This should be an ongoing program while the adult flea treatment is killing the live fleas. Here are the steps you'll need to take:

Wash all bedding thoroughly. While the bedding is free of coverings, vacuum the mattress, particularly in the crevices, where eggs might hide.
Vacuum carpeting daily and dispose of used vacuum bags. I do not recommend placing flea collars in the vacuum bag, as the heat generated by the machine could cause noxious fumes.
Steam-clean carpeting. This will kill any remaining eggs the vacuum might have missed.
If necessary, use a whole-house insect bomb which specifically targets fleas. It is critical to remove all food dishes and live animals, including birds during this process. You may consider hiring a professional for this job, but make sure he knows you have cats, and will use a cat-safe product.
Hire a professional to treat outdoors areas. Insist on a "cat-friendly" product for this purpose. If you have an outdoor cat, keep him confined inside for the day.

Good luck hun...hope this helps!

Natalie said...

Did you buy frontline topspot or frontline plus? Frontline topspot does not kill eggs, frontline plus does kill eggs.

Meagan said...

Hmmm.. I think it must have been just the topspot.... but you guys are right I need to get rid of the eggs. I called the vet and she said I should try Advantage which kills fleas (and eggs) on contact instead of them having to bite in order for it to work...we'll see how that goes, but unfortunately I see more house fogging in my future as well :(