Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mid semester update

So I have officially made it through the first half of the semester and here are the things I have learned:

-Taking exams after being out of school for 4 years really sucks
-Trying to study for midterm exams while the Red Sox are in the playoffs really really sucks
-I really don't miss being in the lab, but I do miss research
-Just because I get out of class at 2pm doesn't mean I can go home and take the rest of the day off (dammit!)
-Studying while in bed is a bad idea (osmosis doesn't work if you fall asleep on your notes, even if you drool on them)
-There are some really cool opportunites to do international travel in grad school, which I plan on taking advantage of (New Zealand here I come!)
-Epidemiology is really cool (even if most people think I am studying to be a skin doctor)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I can't even tell you how many times I've tried to study in bed. It never worked, but I never learned.