Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Here we go...

Well I've finally decided to jump on the blog bandwagon... I thought it was appropriate as I am entering a new era in my life (graduate school) that will likely yield many thrilling experiences to write about...well maybe not so much thrilling but at least somewhat amusing. Also, as many of my friends have also moved on to new endeavors in their lives (yeah, thanks a lot for ruining my social life! Just kidding, I'm proud of all of you) I thought it would be a good way to let y'all know what I'm up to, especially since I feel like I'm getting a little too old for myspace (not that I'm willing to give it up!)

I struggled a lot with picking a title for my blog (I couldn't think of anything as witty as Natalie's), so I chose to name it after my 2 favorite things, big trucks (with really big mud tires!) and sheep, especially cute little baby ones. For anyone who doesn't know me that probably seems weird... and I will take that as a compliment... being normal is way over-rated!


Natalie said...

Do the big plans for your truck include making it move forward??? Cute masthead btw!

Babs said...

LOVE IT!! The title is perfect. You're too cute. I look forward to the future additions.

Meagan said...

Haha! Good point Nat, the sad thing is that to get it running again is a simple fix, I just haven't done it...and now it's been sitting for almost a year...damn, I suck.

mainou said...

The profile picture is cool. The blog picture is...well, I have nothing to say.

stephanie said...

Yay! Welcome to the blog-o-sphere. I a awful blogger because I am so darn preoccupied with stuff, but I promise to check in as much as I can. I hope that your blog doesn't make me too homesick for CH and being a UNC student!