Friday, June 27, 2008

The month in pictures

Wow, it's been over a month since I have blogged, which is really awful since I don't even have school as an excuse right now...BUT, even without being in school I have managed to stay pretty busy and so I thought I'd cover what I've been up to over the past month with a photo blog....

For starters, I have been working as a TA for an online course called "Principles and Methods of Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology" (a mouthful I know!) It's actually a course I took a couple years ago as part of the Certificate in Field Epidemiology program, so it's nice that I am already familiar with the material. I don't have a photo for this one, but who wants to see me sitting behind my laptop in my pajamas anyway? :) To make up for the lack of a photo, here is a fun outbreak investigation game that I find very entertaining, so if you're bored here is something to keep you occupied for 10 or 15 minutes (after you finish reading my blog of course!)

I also got to spend almost 3 weeks in Maine visiting my family and attending weddings, we lucked out and got some great weather (almost 90 degrees in early June, wow!) so that meant my sisters, Dad, and I got to do a lot of fishing at his camp in Belgrade... and I was even brave enough to take a dip in the lake (I think the ice had only gone out about 6 weeks prior!)

On our last day at camp my Dad and I were fortunate enough to get to see both of the bald eagles that live on the lake, it was an incredible experience! Gotta love the magic of camp!

Allison, a childhood friend and the daughter of friends of my parents who I have known since I was 5, got married in Biddeford on June 7th...her dress was lilac colored...I am so jealous!!

EJ, a friend from college who was also dubbed as an unoffical third roommate our freshman year at UMaine, got married in Windham on June 21st. I also got to see Emily, my "official" roommate freshman and sophmore year, and her husband Ryan at the wedding. I can't wait to meet their new baby Lizzie next time I visit!

During my visit I also got the chance to visit with one of my closest friends Barbie and her husband Sean and also two of my friends from elementary school Jessica and Lisa (I hadn't seen Lisa in over 14 years!!). My Mom and I picked out my wedding dress while I was in Maine too, but I can't show you those pictures, it's bad luck!