Thursday, December 13, 2007

One down...

I just finished my last final for the semester, who hooo!!! I am feeling drained but very relieved that it's over, and now I can have a few weeks of R&R before starting it all over again. I still can't believe that my first semester is already over, it flew by! (or at least it seems like that now). Well it's time to celebrate with my fellow first-year epi students, and I am bringing some wicked party favors... who wants some syringe jello shots??? :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Update: Bugs

OK, so the cats still have fleas....unbelievable!! I thought Frontline was supposed to be "the shit", I guess not!! I know I said they would be tossed out with the cows, but I really can't do that since they are my babies (even in they are flea bags). So what do I do now?? Anyone have any suggestions?? HELP!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Got bugs?

We do! Well actually our cats do, and it has gotten out of control! Part of the problem is that Pookie is an OCD groomer anyway, so it took me a while to realize that her excessive licking habits were due to fleas, not just her mental issues. Her kitty Prozac didn't seem to be working (which, by the way had to be compounded into a g**damn transdermal gel so that I can give it to her since she refuses to take pills!), and I figured out why when a flea jumped onto my book while I was doing some pleasure reading (yeah right! I don't even remember what that is!) Anyway, since then I have given both Pookie and Twister 3 flea baths each (and I have the scars to prove it!). We also bombed the house on Sunday, and I can tell you that the preparation and amount of work involved in that is ridiculous, I think we should have just moved instead. Anyway, today I discovered that we STILL have fleas. I finally decided to do what I should have done in the first place, get some Frontline. That shit better work or else those lovely kitties will be living in the barn with the cows next week...